Indoor Air Quality and Health August 2020

Indoor air quality and health risks

There seems to be no slow-down of the Corona Virus in the United States. Recent surges in cases, deaths in the Southern States has the entire country concerned and rightfully so. Continued lockdowns lead to more and more Americans spending most of their time at home. In the South, this means spending time indoors in the comfort of air conditioning. The question remains is staying indoors and at home the most positive solution to avoid the contagious virus.

When air is not exchanged in our homes, that stale, polluted, and warm air can cause health risks to its occupants. In fact, an EPA study found that indoor air quality is 2-5 times more polluted than the outdoor air. With the current virus conditions, the COVID19 germs could live in our unvented homes for days which could be dangerous for all, especially the elderly. It is also possible that occupants develop asthma and related breathing issues from the unhealthy air in our homes. A solution to remedy this risk is to exchange the indoor air with the outdoor air.

Whole House Fans are manufactured to bring the cool, fresh outdoor air into the home and exhaust out the warm, polluted, and musty air. Tamarack Technologies manufactures several sizes of Whole House Fans in Massachusetts. Visit or call us at 800-222-5932 and speak to our knowledgeable staff about the benefits of Whole House Fans. Don’t forget to ask about our August Promotion- 10% off select models. Make your home a healthy one and save money!

Please see the EPA links on Indoor Air Quality and COVID-19 here: